Our clients find our consultants different. Clients' motives and concerns are intuitively understood. Conflicts and frictions that exist between them and their service providers are reduced, to the benefit of all. Staff and sponsors are better represented and delivery improved on their behalf.
We provide a range of consultancy services to European-based financial institutions, specialising in investment banking trading and operations change management. With a proven track record in project management, we have also been involved in a series of vendor management initiatives including outsourcing and 3rd party software development. Our service is often seen as complementary to existing service providers, offering support and guidance, enhancing management control and reducing human resource constraints.
At Fenix, we can understand a project in the context of the organisation's existing state and development, having seen what happens when consultants arrive, and when they leave.
As a small company, you can be assured of our responsiveness and attention at all times. By retaining a flexible structure, direct rewards, low overheads and minimising management overhead, our fees remain competitive.